Data Safety

1. Log in to your account:
Visit the sign-in page of the application and log in using your username and Email.

2. Compose an email:
Open your preferred email client and compose a new email. 

3. Enter the correct email address:
In the "To" field, enter the designated email address provided by the application for account deletion requests. This email address should be available in the application's privacy policy or terms of service.

4. Write a clear subject line:
In the "Subject" field, write something clear and straightforward, like "Request for Account Deletion".

5. Include necessary information in the body:
In the body of the email, include any necessary information required by the application for account deletion. This could include your username, the email address associated with the account, and any other identifying information. Make sure to clearly state that you are requesting the deletion of your account and all associated data.

Sample for Email :

Subject: Request for Account Deletion

Dear VirtuNum Support Team,

I am writing to formally request the deletion of my account and all associated data for your application, [Application's Name].

Here are the details of my account:

Email: [Your Email address]

I understand that this process is irreversible and that all of my personal data will be permanently removed from your system. I confirm that I have downloaded all the necessary information and am ready to proceed with the account deletion.

Please let me know if you need any further information to complete this process, and please confirm when the deletion process has been initiated.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

6. Send the email:
Once you've included all the necessary information, send the email.


7. Wait for a response:
After your request has been sent, wait for a response from our support team. We should provide further instructions or confirmation of the account deletion.

8. Follow additional instructions:
If our support team provides further instructions, be sure to follow them to ensure your account is properly deleted. 

Please remember, deleting your account will typically erase all of your personal data associated with the account. It's important to back up any vital information before proceeding with deletion. Also, make sure to double-check the email address you're sending your request to, as sending sensitive information to the wrong address could pose a security risk.

NOTE: In order to verify the authenticity of this request and ensure it originates from the actual account holder, it is mandatory that you email us from the same address linked to your application account. If the request is sent from a different email, we will not be able to authenticate it, thus resulting in its denial and subsequent non-execution. This procedure is essential to validate that the individual making the request is indeed the account owner.

Should you encounter any difficulties reaching us through email, there's an alternative method available. Simply complete and submit the form provided below to proceed with your request.